Saturday, February 28, 2015

Playing with Hemp Oil

I have being following Miss Mustard Seed blog for a while, I love her style and her blog.
She has her own line of milk paint and products. One of them is Hemp Oil.

I have a couple of wood boards that I purchased at Brimfield Antique Show. The big rectangular one I use to decorate with, but the piggie I use in a daily basis.

They were both pretty tired looking, so I decided to wake them up a bit with a coat of Hemp Oil.

My Little helper in action!

And voila! So easy and the wood boards look so much happier!!


  1. I love your little helper! I also recently started using oil finishes. I love how easy they are to apply.

  2. Isn't she the best?
    what a difference the oils make!!
    Thanks for reading!!

  3. I see a most beautiful smile :^)
    and the oil finish looks great!
    Blessings to both of you,
